Foundation Wish List

Tanglewood Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. ID#20-2874849

Tanglewood MINI-STRIES

Our “MINI” STRIES encourage, enrich and empower individuals through the therapeutic benefits of using Miniature Therapy Farm Animals. Therapy Animals provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, hospices, courts, jails, prisons, schools and to people with learning difficulties, or to those who find themselves in stressful situations, such as a post-disaster area experience as well as Veterans with PTSD. Studies have shown that holding and caressing an animal provides benefits such as lowering of blood pressure, improved long- and short-term memory, sensory stimuli, the release of strain and tension, and can draw out a person from loneliness and depression. A Therapy Farm Animal is born, not made. We can teach an animal mannerly behavior, but one cannot change an animal’s inherent temperament. When an animal is put under stress, poor or marginal temperament will surface. Tanglewood Foundation Bloodlines have been producing Therapy Farm Animals with outstanding temperaments since 1993. They are friendly and outgoing to all people and other animals. They were born to bring comfort and consolation to everyone and anyone. They were born with a gift…to love and heal.

Donate Today!

  • Donations can be made in tribute of an animal lover in your life, to mark a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one who has passed.
  • Your donation is securely processed by PayPal with a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs. Please consider including an additional 3% so 100% of your gift amount goes to us.
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  • After clicking Submit, you will be directed to our secure donation page at PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account.